
Mitigating risks in agriculture: A comprehensive guide

Farmers must be effective through every season in managing risks. Proper agricultural risk mitigation leads to stronger yields, sustainable farms, and profit.

Managing risks such as nitrogen overuse, mistimed field activities and resource waste can feel overwhelming. These issues lead to financial losses, poor soil quality and even environmental harm. Mitigating them doesn’t have to be a challenge.

Today we explore how Paul-Tech’s innovative soil stations provide real-time soil, satellite and weather data to mitigate these agricultural risks.

  1. Nitrogen (N) overuse
  2. Mistimed field activities
  3. Resource wastage
  4. Drought stress
  5. Pest and disease outbreaks
  6. Mitigating risks with Paul-Tech

6 avoidable risks in modern farming

Smart farms use modern technology to stave off many risks and grow their soil health, profits and outputs. The bounty of options available may impede our decision-making, but there are comprehensive solutions available that meet our needs.

Six of the greatest challenges we face as farmers can be avoided, if the right tools are used. From improper and frequent over-fertilisation, to pest prediction and dry-zone spotting, the best solution for risk mitigation is at your disposal. 

Avoiding the risk of Nitrogen imbalancing

Nitrogen is a vital nutrient for plant growth, but its overuse can lead to severe financial and environmental consequences. 

The issue: Excess nitrogen not only wastes money but also contributes to water pollution through runoff, leading to harmful algal blooms and groundwater contamination.

The solution: Real-time monitoring of soil conditions means farmers can apply the exact amount of nitrogen needed–reducing waste and preventing overuse. This precise application not only saves costs but also protects the environment, promoting sustainable farming practices.

🌾 Discover how Estonian farm Aru PM reduced their fertiliser input costs by €56,000–Check out our case study

Read more in our guide to creating your own Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) plan. By analysing your crop, soil and moisture data, the right applications of nitrogen are only a few steps away.

Avoiding improper timing in field activities

When to plant, irrigate and harvest determines the strength of your crop cycle, but a lack in planning can foil the greatest of intentions. 

The issue: Performing field activities such as planting, irrigating and harvesting at the wrong time can lead to yield losses of up to 15%, significantly impacting financial outcomes.

The solution: Farmers can leverage real-time updates and predictive analysis on soil moisture, temperature and other vital parameters. This allows farmers to schedule field activities optimally. Aligning field operations with ideal soil and weather conditions strengthens farmers’ ability to maximise yields while minimising risk.

🌾 See how Aaspere farms increased their crop yields by 10% with active risk mitigation–Check out our case study

Eliminating agricultural resource waste effectively

Efficient resource use is essential for maintaining profitability and soil and crop health in agriculture, but it’s easy to err.

The issue: Wasting time, labour and machinery by frequently visiting fields to check conditions can be costly and inefficient.

The solution: Use a solution that provides remote monitoring capabilities and offers real-time data on soil conditions through a convenient app or web-based dashboard. This remote access reduces the need for physical field visits, saving time and labour costs. Farmers can plan a stronger and more efficient day by knowing the exact conditions of their fields without stepping outside the home.

🌾 See how Uussaari reduced their field input costs by 70%–Check out our case study

Preventing the risk of drought stress & dry zones

Drought stress and dry zones have often been spotted too late, and play a dangerous part in crop growth cycles. 

The issue: Constant change in climate patterns make dry zone prediction and management incredibly challenging. Droughts and poor irrigation can seem unpredictable or be reacted to inefficiently.

The solution: Utilise a solution that continuously monitors your soil moisture levels at various depths, providing early warnings of potential drought conditions. This data will optimise your irrigation schedules, ensuring crops receive adequate water even during dry periods. A proactive approach helps maintain crop health and prevents yield losses due to water stress.

🚜 Check out our Smart Farm guide for powerful ways to access your soil, crop and moisture data.

Minimising the risk of pest outbreaks & crop disease

Annual pests and crop diseases can easily devastate crops if not managed promptly.

The issue: Early detection and timely interventions are crucial to mitigate this risk, but can be missed without proper equipment.

The solution: Real-time soil and environmental data helps us identify conditions conducive to pest and disease outbreaks. By understanding soil moisture, temperature and humidity levels, farmers can anticipate and address these threats before they escalate or even occur. This data-driven approach allows for the timely application of pest control measures, reducing crop damage and protecting yields.

🚜 See how a combination of Soil, Satellite and Weather data can be found in one unique solution.

Paul-Tech’s in-field solution to total farming risk management

If you’re keen on mitigating these risks and others, then Paul-Tech soil stations offer you a comprehensive solution by providing real-time data on soil health, weather conditions, and environmental factors. Each soil station can identify crucial soil parameters such as:

✔️ Soil moisture levels

✔️ Crop active hydration

✔️ Nutrient concentrations

✔️ Soil temperature


✔️ Satellite data

✔️ Localised weather data

✔️ Humidity

By addressing the risks of nitrogen overuse, mistimed field activities and resource wastage, Paul-Tech empowers farmers to make informed decisions that enhance productivity and sustainability. Real-time data with personal suggestions brings optimal decision-making when it matters most.

Mitigating nitrogen, resource waste, dry stress & disease with Paul-Tech

Paul-Tech soil stations are autonomous, solar-powered and cloud-connected. Our team helps you with your field installation to ensure you’re hands-free when mitigating common risks by:

Optimising nitrogen use: Continuous monitoring of soil nutrients helps prevent nitrogen overuse, saving costs, benefiting soil health and protecting the environment.

Scheduling field activities: Real-time soil and weather data enable the precise timing of planting, irrigating and harvesting, maximising yields and minimising crop failure risks.

Efficient resource planning: Remote access to soil condition data reduces the need for frequent field visits, saving time, labour and machinery costs.

Managing drought stress: Monitoring soil moisture at various depths allows for optimised irrigation, preventing drought stress and maintaining crop health.

🌾 See how Paul-Tech soil stations’ proprietary dual-probes effectively measure nutrient and moisture levels.

Preventing pest and disease outbreaks: Early detection of environmental conditions conducive to pests and diseases enables timely interventions, protecting your crops and yields before a problem festers.

See Paul-Tech risk-mitigation in action with a free demo

Smart farming transforms unpredictable risk management into a proactive, time-saving solution. Our team has spent the last three generations developing and optimising the Paul-Tech soil station. We stand ready to assist you in your journey to a more profitable, green and healthy farm.

Dive deeper into how Paul-Tech can enhance your farming practices by scheduling a free demo with our team. From installation to harvest and beyond, our team has your back. 

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and see it in action

Book your no-hassle, no-obligation demo today and start your journey to a healthier farm in minutes. Your fields, your plants and your wallet will thank you for years to come.

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